Thursday, June 11, 2015

2013 Tour Of Locations From MARTIN Part 2

September 20, 2013
Let me set the scene. It's early in the morning. I'm in Pittsburgh to attend the local Horror Realm convention as a vendor there. I have to be at the con to set up hours before it opens, so I start my journey to Braddock, PA at about 8am and I must leave the area around noon to go to the convention and do my set up. I arrive in Braddock around 9am. It's a bright sunny day and it's perfect for taking photos, I hear that the weather in Pittsburgh can be quite dreary at times, but I got lucky today, it's beautiful. I had researched many of the locations featured in the movie MARTIN for the past year or so, so I was ready to visit some cool spots. I even found the house that the adulterous woman lived in, no fan had found that location before me, so I was excited to start this journey. Shall we begin Part 2?

My next stop was the Giant Eagle grocery store that you see in the movie. It is seen several times. It is now the Braddock Family Health Center.

My next stop was Stambolis Poultry Market a few blocks away. In the movie, it was directly across the street from Cuda's store and you can see Martin and Cuda walk out of it at one point.

The following stop turned out to be pretty interesting. I even met up with uber Romero fan Matt Blazi at this point. We met at the footbridge location. As soon as I got there I noticed that the bridge was all wrong and that even though many fans have come to the area and visited this bridge, it was the wrong one, not the one in the movie. I made a whole post about this earlier this week. Check it out for the full story:

Something is not right...this footbridge does not match the footbridge in the movie....

Matt Blazi arrives.

To be continued.....

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