Here is a view of the junkyard that Martin and Cuda walk by on the way to Cuda's house in MARTIN. Putting it together I realized that my picture angle is way off, but it's close enough that you get the picture.
Cuda walks past the junkyard wall as Martin follows.
Martin walks with Cuda to the house past the junkyard brick wall. It's usually grown over these days, but as of this April 2015 it was cleared out. This pic was taken in 2013.
Cuda and Martin walk up to Cuda's house.
Cuda and Martin walk up to Cuda's house.
Front full view of Cuda's house
Here is a view of the side of Cuda's house with the statue in the back yard.
View from the back of Cuda's house when Martin sees the man on the motorcycle.
Martin makes deliveries and crosses a footbridge which is sadly gone these days.
Cuda and Martin exit Stambolis Poultry Market.
Two ladies walk by the Giant Eagle before they get harassed by a couple of guys. Directly in front of them in the movie is the former Braddock Hospital which has since been demolished to make way for apartments of some sort as you can see in the present day shot.
Some guys harass this woman outside Giant Eagle.
The house of the adulterous woman that Martin decides to stalk.
Martin watches the adulterous woman when she leaves the Giant Eagle.
The bricks that Martin climbs to get on the roof to spy on the woman are still on the side of the house. They have been painted over these days.
This is the front of the adulterous woman's house. Her husband is about to leave on a business trip.
Her husband's car pulls out of the garage.
The back of the adulterous woman's house from opposing angles during my MARTIN location tour in Sep. 2013. I know it's weird, but I only got one shot of the back and did not want to really snoop around too much.
Martin stalks Cuda dressed as Dracula and follows him through an alley and into a playground.
This is the playground where Martin chases Cuda in full Dracula costume and makeup. These days it is a bit grown over and it has more modern equipment, the the spot is still a playground. It was closed and locked when I visited.
The train passing through Braddock.